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In the Designer, the plan features can be implemented in the workbook to provide users access to the plans as in the Filler and the Portal. This section of the documentation covers the features of the plan used by the designer.

Plan Mode​

There are several settings in the Designer for the plan-feature. The first one is a general setting of the workbook. Therefore, you can find it by selecting the workbook in the left Explorer area.

Plan mode
ModifiableThe user can see the plans and modify them in the Filler and in the checklist view of an open inspection
HiddenThe user can not see the plans

Question Fields​


Object IdUnique id of the object the plan belongs to. It is a connection between a object and the plan, therefore it must be the id of an existing object
Plan sizeSpecify the expected quality of the plan image. Large: 2048x1440 pixels(~350kb per image) Uncompressed: original size of plan image file

Locate Item On Plan​

Locate item on planDescription
Display textThe text that a location is labeled with, when placing on a plan
Plan item idUnique id of the item that is located on the plan. Usually bonded to an object or defect content item id, but is allowed to be any text. Make sure to make it unique, for example a guid
ColorSpecifies the color of the pin/polygon in HEX code.
PlanThe plan on which the item is placed.
Location modeSpecifies how the item should be placed on the plan. Can be a pin (a point), polygon (an area) or both which means the user can choose between pin and polygon when placing the item on the plan.

Defining Content Types​

Content Fields​

There are two content fields belonging to the plan feature. These content fields are specified with the "type" name. With the field of type Plan you can store a plan for some content item. In order to store the location of an item on a plan, you need the field of type PlanLocation

In case you need to map a checklist question to those fields:

  • The value "Plan" is for the "Plan" question
  • and "PlanLocation" is for the "Locate on item plan" question.

:::Note In case you use a PlanLocation field, you will also have to define the planLocationFeature :::

"$type": "contentField",
"type": "Plan",
"name": "plan",
"displayName": "Plan"
"$type": "contentField",
"type": "PlanLocation",
"name": "location",
"displayName": "Location"

Configuring the planLocation feature​

To locate a defect in a plan, the plan location feature has to be defined in the features array. It has to be a type "planLocation" and defines where the iCL system can get the information it needs to render this particular item on a plan. It does so by either specifying the name of a field, which contains the required information (such as "planFieldName" or "displayTextFieldName"), a constant value (such as "planLocationMode") or an EcmaScript expression (such as "colorExpression"

planFieldNameThe name of the field storing the plan
planLocationFieldNameThe name of the field storing the location
displayTextFieldNameThe name of the field which should be used as a short description on the plan
planLocationModea location can either be stored as a point or a polygon (for areas). 0... the location will be a point, 1... the location will be a polygon, 2... the user can decide
colorExpressionEither an RGB color (e.g. #FF0000) or an EcmaScript expression to dynamically define the color (e.g. =(status==0 ? '#FF0000' : '#00FF00') ... if the status is "open", then show in red, otherwwise in green
statusFieldName⏳ reserved for future use
descriptionFieldName⏳ reserved for future use: The name of the field that should be used for longer description texts
isHiddenFieldName⏳ reserved for future use: The name of the field that stores whether an item should be rendered on plan or not
itemTemplate⏳ reserved for future use
"features": [
"$type": "planLocation",
"planFieldName": "plan",
"planLocationFieldName": "location",
"displayTextFieldName": "defect_number",
"planLocationMode": 2
"colorExpression" : "#d62d2d"

It is also possible to store more information into this. Like the description, but make sure to write also a content field named "description".

"features": [
"$type": "planLocation",
"planFieldName": "plan",
"planLocationFieldName": "location",
"displayTextFieldName": "defect_number",
"planLocationMode": 2
"colorExpression" : "=(status==0 ? '#FF0000' : '#00FF00')",
"descriptionFieldName" : "description"