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2 Installing iCL Portal (single server)

The following sections describe the installation process for all required components of the iCL System. It is recommended to install the components in the order of this manual.

2.1 Installing the back-end

  • Install all required software as listed in 1.4

  • Create a new database for iCL Portal in SQL Management Studio

  • Run the following script to ensure, that Snapshot Isolation is enabled on the database

       DECLARE @databaseName sysname;
    SET @databaseName = (SELECT db_name());
    DECLARE @SQL varchar(1000);
    SET @SQL = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases where NAME = N'''+@databaseName+''' AND [snapshot_isolation_state] = 0)
    Exec (@SQL)
  • Note the connection string to the database.

2.2 Installing the web front-end

  • Install all required software as listed in 1.4

  • Create a new IIS Web-Site

  • Make sure that the application pool that was created for this site runs .NET 4.0

  • Copy all files from the web-frontend folder into the root folder of your website. In this example this would be: c:\inetpub\icl_portal.

    In this screenshot you can see the two important configuration files for adapting the iCL Portal web-frontend: the NLog.config and the Web.config file.
  • Make sure that the user that runs the application pool has full access to the App_Data folder as this is the default location for storing all files and logs.

    For this, find out the name application pool that iCL Portal runs on. In this example iClPortalAppPool. Then open the security settings of the App_Data folder and add the application pool user with full access. As username, use IIS AppPool\apppoolname, so IIS AppPool\iClPortalAppPool in this example. Do not click on search or check names as these will not find this special user!

  • Stop the website so you can configure the portal for the first start:

  • Configure the bindings of the web front-end and make sure that there exists an HTTPS binding that is secured with a trusted certificate.


    In production environments, only HTTPS connections are supported as the system might be compromised otherwise!


    If you created a separate database for the background job storage, make sure that on the server that runs the iCL Portal web front-end, the service Distributed Transaction Coordinator is running and has the starttype Automatic:


    The default web.config of iCL Portal comes with a default machineKey which is used to encrypt tokens for email-verification and password recovery. This machineKey must be the same on all web front-ends! We strongly encourage you to create your own machine keys. For a manuall, see here.

2.3 Configuring web front-end

The fundamental configuration of the iCL Portal Web Front-end is done by editing the Web.config.


If you start out with a clean install, download Web.config template from here Copy the file into the root folder of iCL Portal and rename it to Web.config.

Open Web.config in your favorite text editor and navigate to the <appSettings> element. This node contains all relevant configuration options.

2.3.1 Configure your icl portal key

Search for the element with the key License.Key and specify there the license key, that you got when you purchased iCL Portal:

    <add key="License.Key" value="" />

2.3.2 Configure connection to sql server database:

iCL Portal has two logically separate databases whose connections can be specified in the <connectionStrings> element:

<add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASENAME;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

The Default connection is the one that stores all relational data of the iCL System.


For single server installations, ensure that you create a login for the application pool user. Add a login for the user IIS AppPool\apppoolname - in our example: IIS AppPool\iClPortalAppPool

Do not click search as this will resolve an invalid user!


iCL Portal manages the schema of the database and migrations itself. On the first start, it will try to create all required tables, views, stored procedures, etc. Therefore it requires db_owner permissions for both databases!

Additionally, in order to create databases for new tenants, it needs the `db_creator` role.

The connectionString attribute requires a ADO.NET connection string. The following example shows the configuration with a database Portal on a named MSSQL Instance SQLSERVER on a machine called SQL using integrated security.

<add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=SQL\SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog =Portal; Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

The following example uses SQL server security with USERNAME and PASSWORD.

<add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=SQL\SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog =Portal; User ID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

The following example specifies a non-default port 1234.

<add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=SQL\SQLSERVER,1234;Initial Catalog =Portal; User ID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

2.3.3 Configure file storage

By default, iCL Portal stores all files in its APP_DATA folder. To change this setting,

  • find the configuration element with the key FileBlobStorageRoot:
  <add key="FileBlobStorageRoot" value="~/App_Data" />
  • Specify data-folder that will contain all files like reports, workbooks, pictures, etc. This can of course be a network path. E.g.:
  <add key="FileBlobStorageRoot" value="\\FILESERVER\ICLPortalFiles" />
  • Make sure that the user that runs the application pool has full access to this folder

2.3.4 Configure smtp server

iCL Portal Web front-end uses the SMTP server for sending mails for password recovery and account confirmation. Reports, however, are being sent by the dox42 Server directly. By default, iCL Portal expects the SMTP server to be running locally on a web front-end on port 25. In order to change this, open the web.config and find the <mailSettings> element.

<smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from=``>
<network host="localhost" port="25" defaultCredentials="true" />

The following example shows how to provide username and password and specify a default from-address and enable SSL encryption:

<smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="">
<network defaultCredentials="false" host="" port="587" userName="" password="somepassword" enableSsl=`true`/>

The syntax of the network element as documented here


2.3.5 Remote diagnostics

iCL Portal has remote diagnostics enabled by default. These send non-confidential informations such as occurred exceptions and stack traces to a central service hosted by Opti-Q.

Therefore configure the firewall of the iCL Portal Web-frontend to allow outgoing connections on port 443. Otherwise we will not receive any diagnostic information.

The setting with key iKey in the <appSettings> element contains the api key required to access this service.


Do not change the iKey unless advised so by an Opti-Q staff member, otherwise we cannot provide full support.

Also, there exists an additional element <applicationinsights.tags> which contains additional metadata that is transmitted to our service to be able to identify our customer and the environment (dev/staging/production)

<add key="customer" value="yourcompanyname" />
<add key="environment" value="production" />

2.3.6 Configure logging by editing nlog.config

iCL Portal uses NLog to log diagnostics information to the local file system. This logging mechanism is buffered to ensure a minimum performance impact so do not expect log messages to appear instantly. By default, logfiles are written to the web front-ends APP_DATA folder.


If you do not yet have an NLog.config file in your web front-end create an NLog.config file with these contents in the root folder of iCL Portal.

To change logging, NLog.config in your favorite text editor

  • By default, Nlog is creating its logs files in the local App_Data folder. To change this, edit the paths that start with ${basedir}\App_Data to point to your desired folder location. Note that absolute paths are also supported.

    Changes of the NLog.config should take effect almost immediately. Do not recycle the application pool or restart IIS!

  • By default, NLog is configured to log only messages on WARN level. If you want to configure a more verbose logging, open the NLog.config and change the following line
<logger name="*" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="Trace" />


<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="Trace" />

2.3.7 Configuring additional plugins

iCL Portal allows to create plugins to integrate with your corporate systems. In case we developed a plugin for you, you will get a separate package with installation instructions. These most of the time only consist of copying some additional dlls into the bin directory of your iCL Portal web front-ends and adding another appSettings element to your Web.config.

2.3.8 Start the icl portal website

Once all configuration is done, start up the iCL Portal website and finish last couple of configuration steps with your favorite browser.

2.3.9 System/Host configuration

iCL Portal supports multi tenancy. To manage tenants, you need to login as host admin. During the setup, a single host admin - which belongs to no tenant - is created with a default password. To secure your system, it is absolutely necessary to login with this user and change his password.

To do this, login by leaving the tenant textbox empty and use the username admin with the default password 123qwe

To change it, navigate to Settings/Users and click on the key button of the system administrator

Logged in as host admin, you have to configure the iCL Portal license key. To do this, navigate to settings and in the category "general" you will find the license id textbox:

Enter the license key (e.g.: 327d75a8-64b5-49ac-bf90-2544229dbeca) that you got from Opti-Q and click on save.

2.3.10 Create tenant

iCL Portal supports having multiple tenants, each with its completely isolated environment. To run the portal, a default tenant is required.

  • To do so, navigate to Settings/Tenants and click CREATE to create a new one. Make sure, that the tenancy name only consists of letters, then hit CREATE again

    Then, a new tenant will be created for you with a default administrator for this tenant. This may take a minute or two.

2.3.11 Configuring the new tenant

  • To login to this tenant, first logout as host admin in the upper right corner

    and navigate back to the login screen
  • At the Login screen, login using the tenancy name you just created (contoso in this example) the username admin and the default password 123qwe

  • Once logged in, immediately change this password to a strong one using the menu in the upper left corner:

  • Thereafter, you can go to SETTINGS/USERS and create as many users for this tenant as you like.

  • Finally upload your license files in SETTINGS/LICENSES by dragging and dropping the files into the list one by one

2.3.12 [optional] Configure ws federation authentication (Azure Entra ID)

While iCL Portal can handle authentication itself using OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication, you can add additional authentication providers. The first officially supported one being WS Federation. This allows your users to login using one click, instead of typing in their passwords.

Once you configured the Azure Entra ID integration correctly, users will see it listed as external login provider:


While external login providers are principally supported, you can only configure them for one single tenant. This is currently a framework restriction that we plan to overcome in upcoming versions of iCL Portal.


Under the hood, iCL Portal will only authenticate the user using Azure Entra ID. As soon as Azure Entra ID redirects the user back to iCL Portal a new user will be created in the database and is assigned the default role that you defined. For the iCL Portal administrator that assigns users to roles and teams, users coming from Azure Entra ID will look identical to users coming from iCL Portal and they are also handled the same way. Creating an app registration in Azure Portal

To set up Azure Entra ID as external authentication provider, we first must tell Azure Entra ID, that our iCL Portal application exists and is allowed to use Azure Entra ID to authenticate users. For this, go to and create new app registration. For the sake of giving an example, we will configure an app registration using the FQDN of our test system: (Replace this with the FQDN of your iCL Portal installation)

Once that is done, open Settings/Properties and copy the App ID Uri.

We will use it as ADFS_Wtrealm

Next go back to the App registrations overview and open Endpoints

In there copy the `Federation Metadata Document` url.
We will use it as `ADFS_MetadataAddress`

Next, go back to your iCL Portal Web.config to set up the Azure Entra ID authentication on the iCL Portal side. Registering Azure Entra ID as external authentication provider in iCL Portal

We have told Azure Entra ID that it can trust our iCL Portal installation, now we have to tell iCL Portal, that Azure Entra ID can be used as well. To do this, open then Web.config and add the following xml elements to the <appSettings> node:

<!-- . . . -->

<!-- windows Azure Entra ID -->
<add key="ADFS_Caption" value="Azure Entra ID"/>
<add key="ADFS_MetadataAddress" value=""/>
<add key="ADFS_Wtrealm" value=""/>
<add key="ADFS_ImplicitlyRegister" value="true" />
<add key="ADFS_TenancyName" value="Demo" />
<add key="ADFS_DefaultRoles" value="User" />
<!-- <add key="ADFS_UserIdClaimName" value="" /> -->
<!-- <add key="ADFS_UserNameClaimType" value="http://some-claim-id" /> -->
<!-- <add key="ADFS_UpdateLocalUserProperties" value="true" />-->
<!-- . . . -->


ADFS_Caption is simply the text that will be displayed to the users in the login screen, so you can configure what you want here.

For ADFS_MetadataAddress enter the url that you copied in the previous step (Federation Metadata Document)

For ADFS_Wtrealm enter the url that you copied in the previous step as well (App ID Uri)

ADFS_ImplicitlyRegister simply tells iCL Portal to automatically create a new user profile in case someone logs in for the first time using Azure Entra ID. (Note: this is the only supported option for now!)

ADFS_TenancyName tells iCL Portal, which tenant the logins coming from Azure Entra ID should be associated with. (Note that only one single tenant is supported for now!) In this example, users will be created in the Demo tenant. Please change that to a valid tenant name.

ADFS_DefaultRoles defines which role the newly created user profiles will get. This can be User, Coordinator or Admin. For most of the times, keeping the role User will be the best idea as it is the least privileged one.

ADFS_UserIdClaimName is an optional setting. (To use it, you need to uncomment it first!) It can be used to map an existing AD claim to the ExternalId/Reference of a user. In most cases, the default value ( will be the best choice. It maps the users Object ID of the Active Directory user, to the field Reference of the iCL Portal user:

If enabled, the defined claim is required

When this option is enabled, every user token must contain this claim. Otherwise the authentication fails.

ADFS_UserNameClaimType is another optional setting. (To use it, you need to uncomment it first!) By default, the username for any user coming from Azure Entra ID is derived from the users e-mail address. The reason is that this claim is always present and unique. If you would like to use the value of some other claim as username, you can define it using the ADFS_UserNameClaimType setting.

The claim is optional

As opposed to the ADFS_UserIdClaimName, even when this option is enabled, the presence of the defined claim is optional. If a user authenticates and the corresponding token does not contain a suitable claim, the system falls back to using the e-mail address of the user to create a unique username.

Set the NLog log level to Info to see the claims provided

A login attempt will be logged with all provided claims

2024-05-16 13:54:07.0207|log:iCL.Portal.Controllers.AccountApiController|thr:54|DEBUG|usr:|ten:|External login with claims from Gerald gadget

Directly after, you will see if the defined ADFS_UserNameClaimType found.

  1. No suitable claim found:
2024-05-16 13:54:07.0207|log:iCL.Portal.Controllers.AccountApiController|thr:54|INFO|usr:|ten:|Custom 'UserNameClaimType' http://some.random.non-existent.claim.type was provided, but was not present in the token. Falling back to e-mail.
  1. Suitable claim found, but not updating existing users username
2024-05-16 13:54:07.0207|log:iCL.Portal.Controllers.AccountApiController|thr:108|INFO|usr:|ten:|[ADFS_ImplicitlyRegister] Custom 'UserNameClaimType' was provided and found in token: 'mmuller' will be used as username
  1. Suitable claim found and ADFS_UpdateLocalUserProperties activated -> The username is updated
2024-05-16 13:54:07.0207|log:iCL.Portal.Controllers.AccountApiController|thr:108|INFO|usr:|ten:|[ADFS_ImplicitlyRegister] Custom 'UserNameClaimType' was provided and found in token: 'mmuller' will be used as username
2024-05-16 13:54:08.9106|log:iCL.Portal.Controllers.AccountApiController|thr:108|INFO|usr:|ten:1|[ADFS_UpdateLocalUserProperties] Custom 'UserNameClaimType' was provided and found in token: 'mmuller' will be used as username

You can use this to create users in iCL Portal upfront and assign them to teams or give them global roles. Once the user logs in with their Azure Entra ID account, they will take over the iCL Portal user.

Please be aware, however, that the properties of the AD user (first name, last name, …) will not be automatically applied to the iCL Portal user. To enable this behavior, you will have to set the setting ADFS_UpdateLocalUserProperties to true. With this, every time an AD user logs in, his/her AD properties (e-mail, first name and last name) are re-applied to the iCL Portal user. Required claims

As already noted, when the users login using an external authentication provider, iCL Portal implicitly creates a local user profile for them which can then be used by local iCL Portal administrators in order to assign roles to them or make them members of a team. To create users, a minimal set of claims has to be provided by the authentication provider. These three claims are:

  1. which will be used as username as well as as his/her email address.
  2. which will be set as the users first name
  3. which will be set as the users last name

If these are not present, the user will not be able to login.

As for Azure Entra ID, these are the properties of a user that have to be set:

3 Installing icl portal (multi server)

For a multi server scenario, you will have to create another virtual machine and follow the instructions from 2. Note, that you can add additional front-ends any time, as long as the load balancer supports this. Hint: When it comes to the web.config, you should be able to simply copy it from the first web front-end and use it on the second machine. There are several additional steps required: setting up the load balancer and setting up redis.

3.1 Setting up the load balancer

Any third party load balancer can be used in this scenario, therefore, the setup is out of scope of this manual. Note, however, that no special routing – like sticky routing – is required, as the iCL Portal web front-ends store their state in the distributed cache.

3.2 Setting up the distributed cache

The distributed cache is the short-time memory of the web front-ends and, thus, must be within the same subnet and have a fast ethernet connection. Also, it is strongly recommended to run the redis cache on a separate machine. Note, that the makers of redis strongly recommended to run redis on Linux (such as Ubuntu). You can find detailed instructions here . However, Microsoft also maintains a windows port of Redis, which can be found here. As it is easier to setup, this documentation will show you how to run the windows version of redis.

3.2.1 Setting up Redis on Windows

First, download the latest release of Redis from (every version from 3.0 is supported). At the time of this writing, this is version 3.0.504. Download the package

Once ready, run the installer and follow the installation instructions. Basically, you can keep all the defaults. Redis will be installed to C:\program files\redis
Next, configure a password in by opening it with notepad. Scroll down to the security section and uncomment the requirepass line:
Chose a very long password (at least 100 characters) and do not keep the default (foobared)

Finally, make sure that you configure an inbound firewall rule on port 6379 Note, that you can additionally strengthen the security of redis, by only allowing inbound connections from the IP addresses of the iCL Portal web front-ends!

3.2.2 Configuring iCL Portal to use Redis

To instruct iCL portal to actually use Redis, open the Web.config file (Note that you will have to do this on each web front-end)

Add the following key Abp.Redis.Cache to the <connectionStrings> node

<!-- connection string for mssql -->
<add name="Default" connectionString="" />

<!-- connection string for redis -->
<add name="Abp.Redis.Cache" connectionString=",password=foobared,abortConnect=False"/>


Note, that you have to enter the IP address of the virtual machine, which is running Redis - is just a demo value!

Also, make sure that you use the password, that you configured in the previous step instead of foobared

Add the following <sessionState> node to the beginning of the <system.web> node

<!-- command this out for using REDIS in a scale out scenario -->
<sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="iCL.Portal.SessionState.Redis">
<add name="iCL.Portal.SessionState.Redis" type="Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider"
applicationName="iCL.Portal.Session" />

And finally, change the <modules> node in <system.webServer> to contain the following two highlighted elements:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">

<!-- .Net462+ requires us to switch to a new session state module (see -->
<remove name="Session" />
<add name="Session"
type="Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModuleAsync, Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
preCondition="integratedMode" />

<remove name="ApplicationInsightsWebTracking"/>
<add name="ApplicationInsightsWebTracking" type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.ApplicationInsightsHttpModule, Microsoft.AI.Web" preCondition="managedHandler"/>

Once you are finished with the configuration, save the Web.config. That will cause iCL Portal to restart. To make sure that the connection to Redis works, open the latest error.log file of iCL Portal. (If you did not change the NLog.config file, then these should be in <webroot>\App_Data\Logs)

If iCL Portal takes a very long time to start up and the error.log is filled with messages like StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: No connection is available to service this operation, then you need to go over your redis configuration once more! 

4 Configuring the Microsoft Distributed Transactions Coordinator Service

In case your error log or any request to iCL Portal shows this exception:

System.Data.Entity.Core.Entityexception: The Underlying Provider Failed On Open. ---> System.Transactions.Transactionmanagercommunicationexception: Network Access For Distributed Transaction Manager (Msdtc) Has Been Disabled. Please Enable Dtc For Network Access In The Security Configuration For Msdtc Using The Component Services Administrative Tool. ---> System.Runtime.Interopservices.Comexception: The Transaction Manager Has Disabled Its Support For Remote/Network Transactions. (Exception From Hresult: 0x8004d024)

To resolve this issue, you need to configure DTC access on all machines, that participate in coordinating distributed transactions. For iCL Portal, this is

  • Every machine running the web application
  • The database server

4.1.1 Solution part 1

  • Enable network access.
  • Open the server the web-frontend runs on (iCL Portal website)
  • Open Server Manager => Tools => Component Services
  • Alternatively, you can press the Windows button and search for dcomcnfg
  • Expand Component Services => Computers => My Computer => Distributed Transaction Coordinator and then open its Properties view from the context menu
  • In the Security tab, enable Network DTC Access

4.1.2 Solution part 2

Enable Firewall Exceptions for MS DTC

Where Windows Firewall is in use, you must add a firewall exception for the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) at each computer that participates in coordinating distributed transactions. To configure this change, use Windows Firewall in Control Panel to enable a firewall exception at each computer in the network running DTCs that require network connectivity.

Membership in Administrators, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups

    1. Open Windows Firewall. To open Windows Firewall, on the Start menu, click Control Panel. In Control Panel, do one of the following:
    • a. Under Security,

      click Allow a program through Windows Firewall.
    • b. If Control Panel is in Classic view, click Windows Firewall.

    1. On the Exceptions tab, select the Distributed Transaction Coordinator check box.
    1. Click OK.